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How to clean your car like a pro
Everyone loves the feeling of driving a shiny, freshly cleaned car - here's how to give your car the deluxe treatment yourself!
How to clean your car like a pro

Outside the car


Gather your equipment

To clean the outside of your car, you'll need:

  • A hose with a spray gun attachment.
  • A bucket.
  • Car shampoo.
  • Car cleaning mitt, or sponge.
  • Micro-fibre cloth, or chamois.


Start by rinsing the whole car using a garden hose with a spray attachment. This will remove most of the loose dirt on the car, and will make it easier to clean.


Fill a bucket of water with warm water and your preferred car shampoo (check the bottle for the amount to use), then soak a cleaning mitt or sponge in the water. Start at the top of the car and work your way down – that way, you don’t have to worry about drip marks. Use a gentle side-to-side motion to prevent swirl marks, and to get a consistent clean. Remember to rinse out your sponge or mitt regularly.

Rinse and dry

Once you’ve removed all the visible dirt, rinse the car again from top to bottom using a hose to remove any shampoo bubbles. Then finish by gently drying the car with a micro-fibre cloth or chamois leather.

Inside the car


Empty the car

Start by taking as much out of the car as you can – that includes children’s car seats, shopping bags, floor mats, and anything else that you might have tucked away. Throw away any rubbish that has collected in the car, remembering to check the door pockets, cup holders, and under the seats.

Remove dust and debris

Dust all the hard surfaces, such as the dashboard and armrests, with a micro-fibre cloth or dusting cloth. Then use a feather duster or mitt to get into the air vents – these get REALLY dusty over time!  

Use a handheld vacuum to remove dry dirt from inside the car, including the boot. Make sure you use a crevice tool to get right in between the seats.

Clean the upholstery

Clean the floor mats and car seats with a Spot Cleaner – this will remove visible stains and marks, as well as the hidden dirt beneath the surface. Leave them to dry completely before putting them back in the car.

Finishing touches

Once everything has dried, put it back in the car in the tidiest way you can. If you've got loose items rolling around boot, try using a storage box to keep everything in its place. If you regularly eat on the go, then keep a small bag or box in the car for your rubbish - that way, it's easier to throw it all out when you get home. 

Replace your tired old air freshener with a new one every few weeks, to keep that new-car smell! 

SpotClean Pro
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